
News&Topics2016Iwate Global-network Human Resources Development Project (Studey Trip to China)希望郷いわてグローバル人材育成事業(中国 雲南省コース)~雲南省との交流を通して~Iwate Program to Educate Students for a Globalized World1年A1組 板垣 和 Nagomi Itagaki : Student1・雲南省について 雲南省と岩手県は、2010年の上海万博の共同出展などを通じてプーアル市と交流したことをきっかけに、2013年11月に友好交流協力協定を結びました。去年と今年は雲南省から中学生が来県し、岩手の中高生との交流や観光地の訪問を行いました。 雲南省は中国の西南部に位置する省で省都は昆明市です。雲南省には多くの少数民族が暮らしていて、雲南省にしかいない少数民族が15ほどあります。そして雲南省はとても自然が綺麗で観光客も多く見かけ、少数民族の納西族が造った町の麗江古城や石が林のように建っている石林などが世界遺産に登録されています。2・雲南省で学んだこと 私は雲南省を9月15日から9月24日まで訪問して、中国と日本の文化違いについて知る良い機会になりました。ホストファミリーは本当の家族のように接してくれてすぐに打ち解けることができました。そしてホームステイをしたことで日本と中国の文化の違いをたくさん見つけることができました。日本と比べると不便だと感じたこともありましが、中国の文化の良い点もこの経験を通してたくさん知ることが出来ました。なので中国での貴重な経験を通して学んだことをこれから岩手の皆さんに伝えていきたいです。3・岩手県の課題と提案 私はまず雲南省に行って日本よりすごいと思った点は学生の1.About YunnanYunnan Province and Iwate Prefecture set up a Relationship of Friendship, Exchange and Cooperation in November of 2013, after holding a joint exhibition with Pu’er City at the Shanghai Exhibition in 2010. Junior high school students from Yunnan came to Iwate last year and this year, and they interacted with junior high school students in Iwate and saw the sights.Yunnan Province is located in the southwest part of China, and its capital is Kunming City. There are many minority groups in Yunnan, including 15 groups which live only in that province. Yunnan has a lot of beautiful nature, and many tourists go there. The old town of Lijiang and the rocks which look like a stone forest are registered as World Heritage Sites.2.What I Learned in YunnanI was in Yunnan from September 15 to 24, and I learned about many cultural differences between China and Japan. My host family treated me as a member of their family, so I felt at home. During my homestay, I saw many cultural differences between Japan and China. Some things were less convenient than in Japan, but I also learned good things about China. I want to tell people in Iwate what I learned about China through this precious experience.3.Issue in Iwate and SuggestionsOne thing that I thought was great about Yunnan was how much students study. The students study from early in the morning to late at night. They go to school by 7:30 in the morning, and study at home until late at night. I was surprised at how good they are at speaking in English. I felt that Chinese students are very interested in other countries. For example, one student said “I want to go to university overseas”. In contrast, some of my friends in Japan hesitate to go overseas. So, I thought that it is necessary for Japanese students to interact a lot with people from overseas in order to become 9/15 24EXCELSIOR vol.18141

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