
 その問題は旅行は多額の金額がビジネスに充てられ、環境は意識されていないことである。ニュージーランドではエコツーリズムを次のように定義している。野生動物の保護活動をサポートする意図をもって、ニュージーランド特有の環境を保全する観光。それは環境を保護し、地元の人々の良好な状態を維持し、そして解釈と教育を含む。 それぞれの国で行っている観光のうち、わずか6%がエコツーリズムである他国と比べて、ニュージーランド国内で行っている観光の19%はエコツーリズムである。 ニュージーランドでは二酸化炭素排出権商取引制度を行っている。つまり、大気汚染に関する人々に税金を課している。さらに「緑を守る」というキャンペーンを行っている。 これは、我が国のオーウィーという馬が住む環境が私たちにとって誇りであり、重要なものであると教育している。そして私たちはその環境を保護しなければならない。 私たちの学校では海外の生徒に自然環境を尊重することを教える一方で、自然に積極的に触れることを奨励している。そして、それはエコツーリズム産業の力にもなる。 エコツーリズムの産業を増やすために、ビジネスの動きを混乱させないための方法は、企業商業に刺激を与えることだ。それにより人々の要求や人々の流れが増え、エコツーリズムに貢献することとなるだろう。 我々はまた、規制基準を満たしていない企業のための税を導入することが出来る。これらの規制の基準として考えられるのは、are taking part in tourism activities that take into mind the local environment such as walking up Mount Maunganui, travelling to Rotorua, and are able to attend an environment aware College.• For wider New Zealand, along with the regulations we have in place, we encourage local entrepreneurs, which allow for more jobs being created for locals.Summary:As of the end of the 20th century, tourism has grown to become the largest global industry. This will only continue to grow, with the World Tourism Organization (WTO) predicting a 4% growth within the industry per annum for the foreseeable future. Prior to this vital growth, tourism was based solely on high profits, with any firm being able to enter the industry, and face little regulations to keep their environmental and social impacts in check. Due to this, companies acted only with self-interest (Dowkin’s Principle), encouraging very little planned development. Further, it is not only the large companies in the tourism industry that have a negative impact on the environment and culture of a country; it is also the tourists themselves. There is a large amount of disrespect and lack of responsibility displayed by tourists when exploring the land, people and animals. is resulted in a non-sustainable tourism environment, and provoked discussion about an eective way of conducting business within the realm of tourism. is is where Ecotourism comes in. Ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the wellbeing of local people." It quickly became apparent that this could provide a range of benets to the surroundings of where this trillion dollar global business was taking place. Our research around this topic has led us down many pathways where we have learnt a wide array of inuences and impacts of tourism. Ecotourism is also something of extreme relevance in our home country. New Zealand is well known for its beautiful landscapes and incredible wildlife, meaning tourism is a huge industry in our country. Ecotourism caters to these attributes as it allows travelers to see our amazing country, while ensuring that the environment remains in a good, sustainable condition. Suggestions:• Through Ecotourism we hope to achieve: socioeconomic benefits, environmental services, conservation, quality experience, environment advocacy, and cultural sensitivity.• We believe this enhancement of ecotourism begins at school, building a national pride centred on education in school. When citizens of a country feel proud of the environment they also create a sense of need for tourism industries to acknowledge and prioritize the natural and EXCELSIOR vol.1734

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