
The Sansa Dance, having been passed down over hundreds of years from the legend written on a boulder at Morioka’s Mitsuishi Shrine, is a symbolic dance of Morioka.According to the legend, long long ago, there was a demon who did all manner of bad things, and the villagers prayed at Mitsuishi Shrine that the demon would be driven away. The god who caught him made the demon put his handprint into a boulder to seal his pledge never again to return to the area, which he did before eeing away. The reason why the dance got its name is that the villagers were overjoyed that, in its celebration, they danced around Mitsuishi Shrine, which made the sound “sansa, sansa…”Each rural district around Morioka has its own individual style of dance and music, generally called “Inaka Sansa” (Countryside Sansa). The city of Morioka has developed its own “Morioka Sansa” dance based on these dances. At the beginning of August, more than 30,000 dancers, 2,000 pipers, and 14,000 Japanese “taiko” drummers fill the streets of Morioka with a joyful rhythm. This passion makes “the Sansa Dance Festival” one of Northeast Japan’s representative summer events. さんさ踊りは、三ツ石神社の巨石伝説に由来し、数百年受け継がれてきた盛岡のシンボルともいえる踊りです。 伝説によると、むかし悪事の限りを働く鬼がいて、里人たちは三ツ石神社に退治を祈りました。鬼を捕まえた神は、二度とこの里に来ない(不来方の由来) ことを誓わせ、鬼はその証として巨石に手形(岩手の由来)を残して逃げました。里人たちは大いに喜び、祝い、三ツ石のまわりを「サンサ、サンサ」と踊ったのが始まりといわれています。 今では、盛岡を中心とした各地域ごとに、独自の踊りや演奏があり、それらは一般に「田舎さんさ」と呼ばれます。また、それらを統一した「盛岡さんさ」があります。8月初旬の4日間、3万人を超える踊り子、2,000本の笛、1万4,000個の太鼓によって、盛岡の目抜き通りは「さんさ」のリズムで埋め尽くされます。その熱気は東北地方の夏の風物詩となっています。Sister School Performances – Traditional Dances and Songs, Art, and Videos.Cultural Performances are exciting, and they link people’s hearts together!出会いの喜びを形に示すのがパフォーマンス。伝統の踊りに心と心が響き合った。これぞ言葉を超えたコミュニケーション。盛岡のさんさ踊りMorioka's Sansa Dance盛岡中央高等学校/日本Morioka Chuo High School, Japan(伝統芸能披露)各国パフォーマンスEXCELSIOR vol.1846

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