
Continuous Educational Reformたゆまぬ教育改革を■建学の精神と学校改革 第18回CHUO国際教育フォーラムも関係者のご尽力により、本誌で紹介しているとおり、無事に成功裡に幕を下ろすことができて、心から喜んでいます。とくに海外からのゲスト(教師・生徒)の皆さんには、毎年のように、本フォーラムを盛り上げて、充実した内容にするために、絶大なるご協力を賜っていることに深く感謝申し上げます。 さて、我が国の将来の若き人材育成のために、創立者龍澤福学校法人龍澤学館 理事長 龍 澤 正 美Masaharu TatsuzawaChairman, Tatsuzawa Gakkan Education GroupI am delighted that the 18th Forum was a great success, thanks to the efforts of everyone involved. I would especially like to thank our guests from abroad (teachers and students) for all that they did to make the forum so exciting and meaningful.Our international education program at Morioka Chuo High School started with a school trip to Victoria, Canada, to learn about Dr. Inazo Nitobe’s (who was one of Morioka’s great philanthropist) humanitarianism and ideas about peace. At about the same time, we sent students to America, England, New Zealand, and Australia (Sydney and Adelaide). We now send over 100 students abroad every year, and the total number of students from our school who have gone abroad over the years is over 3,000. We have put Nitobe’s words: “Haste not, Rest not”, into action.This year marks the 20th anniversary of our 1-year study abroad program called ICET (Ms. Fusae Harada, Director), in Sydney, Australia. Sending students on this program was made possible by Director Yasuki Mori of Okayama Gakugeikan High School and Seishu Junior High School. 50 students from Chuo have studied in this program, and this year we also celebrate the 20th anniversary of our relationship with Davidson High School, which is located on the same grounds.In order to promote international understanding, we now have 23 sister schools on 5 continents. I have personally visited almost all of these schools, where I have met many people who are excited about education.We have two new sister schools: Ansan Gangseo High School in South Korea and St. Joseph’s Institution in Singapore. I would like to thank Mr. An for making the former relationship possible, and Mr. Takahiro Saiki for the latter. In addition, I am sure that our school’s first “Educational Partnership” with Okinawa Shogaku Junior and Senior High Schools (Director/Principal Masajiro Nashiro) will give us important insight as we continue to improve education at our school.In addition to fostering our students’ strengths, abilities, and aptitudes at Morioka Chuo High School, we have been taking action to adapt to change: continuing to improve the Forum, acting as a Super Global High School Associate School, working to improve our study-abroad and college-placement courses, implementing active learning, and placing our students in universities in Japan and abroad. In order to accomplish all this, we must strive to improve the ability of our teachers to teach, the ability of our students to learn, and the quality of education at our school. We, at CHUO, will continue to undertake educational reform to reach an even higher standard of education, and we welcome your advice and input.巻頭言GREETING美初代校長は、校歌に刻んだとおり、「独立進取 理想のもとに飽くまで初志を貫きゆかん」、「研鑽努力 文化の国に 世界の日本を うち建て行かん」と、われわれ後進のチャレンジ精神を鼓舞しています。このような建学の精神に基づいて、生徒たちにどのような本校独自の教育ステージを提供できるのか。高等学校における貴重な3年の間に、ここ岩手・盛岡で、時代や地域の要請に応え得るような優れた人間教育を実践したい。こうした理念のもと、この20年来、本校では様々な学校改革に取り組んでEXCELSIOR vol.184

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