エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

Presentationプレゼンテーションこと、寄付を募って校舎を建てることが必要です。  Doing these solutions, of course, we do not only support things, but also we can let them know about the importance and merit of education. By teaching that we let people who living in poverty have their own visions, so that they can change the awareness for education. They can provide their children with opportunities to go to school with the way that leads to good directions. People who got the best education in that country will be able to make good teachers and increase people who stand up for solving the poverty more. Thus, we can decrease the number of poor people from the world.  そして学校では、機関や私たちが協力できること、例えば、水汲みなどの労働により学校へ行く時間を奪われている子どもたちのために井戸を作り、教育に当てる時間をあげる、教育者を養成するために、貧困地域から代表たちを先進国に招き、質の良い教育者を育てる。これらを行うことはもちろん、モノを支援するだけではなく、教育の必要性とメリットを知ってもらい、貧困地域の人々がそれぞれのビジョンを持ってもらうように啓発します。それによって大人たちの教育に対する意識が変わります。教育を受けたいと強く思っている子どもたちにとっては、周りの環境が良い方向に向いて行くという、貧困を解決に導く方法やそれに対する意識を生徒に伝えることで、そこからまた質の良い教育者、貧困を解決しようと立ち上がる人が増えて行き、世界から貧困がなくなっていくと思います。What is quality of education?Absolute poverty "A condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information." - The United Nations・Due to population growth, as the amount of income increases by 10%, the rate of their countries poverty decraeses by 9%Every child should have the right to get an education, and every child should know how to apply their knowledge to life situations・Poverty is a vicious cycle. If someone does not receive an education they are unable to receive a solid income, thus their family continues to life in poverty. Gender equality・All genders should be considered equal to prevent discrimination・There should be no stereotypes against actions taken by students・Everybody should have the same school uniforms.BullyingBullying is a prevalent problem in schools- surveys about bullying - the importance of friendship countries.The SDGs are, as most of you probably already know, seventeen goals adopted by the United Nations that, if achieved by 2030, could change the world and make it a better and a more sustainable place. Due to time constraints, we will be focusing on just two of those 17 goals today: reduced inequalities and sustainable cities and communities. The achievement of these two goals would have a big impact on youth everywhere, and they are crucial ingredients in the recipe for an ideal school in 2030.  私たちは17の目標のうち、2つに焦点を当てたいと思います。不平等を減らすこと、そして持続可能な都市・地域社会の構築です。不平等は先進国を含め、世界中に蔓延しています。不平等は貧困の連鎖を作っています。  Social and economic inequalities can be reduced through the use of providing lower socioeconomic classes the opportunity to develop and furthermore strike a balance between the recognition of different identities. As for economic inequalities, we believe that simply providing financial aid, which is a strategy that governments use nowadays, isn’t good enough since the government cannot ensure the money to be used for the exact right purpose. Thus, the methods that we suggest are targeted welfare system and progressive taxation, in order to break the culture behind state involvement.  貧困層に発展・向上する機会を与えて、存在を認め合えれば、社会的経済的不平等は減ります。経済的不平等に関して、財政的な援助では十分ではありません。政府は援助が正しい目的のため使われているかを保証できないからです。私たちは援助に代わり、福祉制度と累進課税を提案します。  Firstly, targeted welfare, apparently different from the normal welfare system, is a system that aims at providing substantial essentials for underprivileged students instead of money. For example, schools may offer free meals for students whose family are struggling to earn a living. Schools who extend their operating hours a bit longer both in the morning and in the afternoon can fulfill the need for free Group B11.SUSTAINABLE   CITIES AND   COMMUNITITES10.REDUCED   INEQUALITIES住み続けられるまちづくり人や国の不平等をなくそうEXCELSIOR vol.20 ◆ CHUO国際教育フォーラム20回記念号15

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