エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

meals. Also, medical services such as psychological help, vaccinations and check-ups should be offered by the school to all students that need it. In this way, quality education is accessible to everyone and students who originally have financial problems are able to study more freely, promoting lower classes to attend school. 私たちが考える福祉は、経済的に恵まれない生徒に、資金ではなく、生活必需品を提供します。例えば、学校は、経済的困難の生徒には無料の食事を提供します。生徒が学校にいられる時間を長くすれば、利用する生徒が増えるでしょう。また、カウンセリング、ワクチン接種、健康診断といった医療サービスも学校が提供します。これにより、経済的な問題を抱えている生徒は安心して学業に専念できます。  Secondly, another way to eliminate economic inequalities is progressive taxation. A progressive tax is one that charges a higher tax rate to people who earn a higher income. People with a lower income will typically spend a larger percentage of their income to maintain their standard of living. On the contrary, those who are relatively richer usually can afford way more than the basic necessities in life. With this system in place, it will support the poor and allow them to develop financially.   In addition, progressive tax rates have the goal and effect of reducing the burden on low income, improving income equality. Educational attainment often depends on family income, which for the poor, reduces their opportunity for educational attainment. Tax policy can also include progressive features that provide tax incentives for education, such as tax credits and tax exemptions for scholarships and grants.   Then, in order to eradicate social inequalities, special activities such as harmony festivals and cultural days should come into assistance. These activities represent the overall and indiscriminate acceptance of all sorts of culture, enabling students to have a deeper understanding regarding every single culture as well as teaching them none of the cultures are superior or inferior than the others. In this way, student with divert culture would no longer feel out of place in school or like they don’t belong to.  経済的な不平等をなくすもう1つの方法は累進課税です。累進課税とは、高い税率を収入の高い人に課す制度です。裕福な人たちは生活必需品を買うほかに、お金の使い道に余裕があるので、多くの人を支えるための税を負担してもらいます。累進課税には、低所得者の負担を減らし、収入の不平等性を改善してくれる効果があります。 教育は富裕層ほど恵まれ、格差が生まれがちです。税制策には、教育における税額控除や奨学金・補助金などの優遇税制を提供してくれる革新的な面も含まれています。また、社会的不平等をなくすためには、祭りのような文化活動も支援になります。これらの活動は、文化を受け入れることにつながり、互いの理解だけではなく、文化に優劣がないことを教えてくれます。多様な教養を持った生徒はどんな場でも活躍できる資質を持っています。  Encouraging co-ed schools also serves as a method to wipe out inequalities such as gender inequality. … As long as students are educated together and share the same interactions between genders, we believe that any sort of gender discrimination will eventually fade out.  文化的活動とは別に、男女共学も1つの方法です。男女間でコミュニケーションを取って学んでいる限り、不平等は消えていくでしょう。  Now we’ll move on to sustainable cities and communities. Our idea behind this goal is essentially using our schools by opening them up before, after school or on the weekend. This creates a hub around the school as the school can offer classes and courses for out of school students design an education, ultimately resulting in the development of the nearby community. In addition to make these communities and cities more sustainable for the introduction of green technology, like solar panels and electricity, we can also promote the education around green energy building the youths knowledge and understanding of why it’s important and how they can help.  学校開放も1つの有効な手段です。学校が地域への活動を提供することができれば、学校周辺にコミュニティが開発されます。 クリーンエネルギーの使用は、社会が持続可能性を継続させる要素でProgressive taxation 累進課税ー高い税率を収入の高い人に課す制度EXCELSIOR vol.2016

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