エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

PresentationプレゼンテーションPresentationプレゼンテーションPresentationプレゼンテーションす。例えば、ピエゾ電気は、圧力で電気を作り出すプレートを応用した科学技術の新しい形です。私たちがこのプレートが組み込まれた道路を歩いたり、車や自転車で通るとき、電気を生み出します。学校は非常に多くのエネルギーや電気を使うので、学校のエネルギー源がピエゾ電気になれば、大きな変化を作ることができます。  The same goes for transportation. So many students take the car to school every day, when they should really be taking public transportation instead. Schools should offer transportation for it’s students at an affordable price or for free. Ideally these school buses would also be electric, therefore minimizing the amount of gas emitted.  If we replaced all the lights in schools with LEDs we would already be taking a big step forward. Furthermore, these lights should also be automatic, so that no one has to worry about forgetting to turn them off, and if someone does forget, there is no electricity wasted. 同じことが交通機関にも当てはまります。多くの生徒が毎日車で通学していますが、公共交通を利用するべきです。スクールバスが電気バスであれば、排出されるガスの量を最小限にできます。 LEDの使用も効果的です。LEDは白熱電球が必要なエネルギーの約10%しか使いません。この電気を自動点灯にすれば、消し忘れても、電気の無駄は生じません。  In addition to introducing a new form of energy, it’s also crucial to reduce the possible waste that we human beings generate daily.   Plus, waste is not only an environmental issue, but also economical loss. As less resources are being dipped in landfills, more share of this can be possibly transferred into new products. Thus, setting up a waste management system in order to recycle disposals may increase the sustainability as most of the resources can be reused again.  資源の無駄を可能な限り減らすことも非常に重大です。資料はi-PadやパソコンなどにPDF版で提供することで減らせます。学校がより環境に優しくなるだけではなく、木の伐採が減ります。 廃棄物の問題は環境だけではなく、処理のための経済的な損失にもなります。ごみをリサイクルするために、廃棄物管理システムを設置すれば、ほとんどのごみが再使用できるので、持続可能性が増えます。  Overall, the climate change, improvement of welfare and community engagement can be improved throughout the resolution by the methods of strategies connecting to these two goals of sustainable development, which are sustainable cities and communities and reducing inequalities. It shows us these two points are linking together. As we keep on using these strategies the outcome could make better and stable society which it helps everyone’s living, especially for people experiencing unstable conditions of living such as poor medical conditions, gender discrimination, and lack of education.  不平等を減らし、持続可能な地域づくりという2つの目標を結びつける戦略的な方法を用いれば、気候変動への対策、福祉の改善、地域の改善にもつながります。このようなサイクルによって社会は安定し、より良い社会へつながると考えます。In order to achieve our ideal school, we focused on the quality of education, gender equality, and good health and wellbeing. Even though our society and surroundings of learning system have been changing rapidly, some of our demands for education will remain. Let us discuss our new ideas and old ideas.  Students today in many countries have some things in common. They are mostly stressed, study many subjects that they are not interested in or that have no real value in the job market and have no time to have fun and do what they love or to develop their relationships. We believe that from the moment we are born, our purpose in life is to study to later in life get a job and work the rest of our days until we retire and then, we die. That in our opinion, that is nothing Use of LED and provision of PDF LEDの使用とPDFの提供Group C4.QUALITY EDUCATION質の高い教育をみんなにEXCELSIOR vol.20 ◆ CHUO国際教育フォーラム20回記念号17

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