エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

My ForumThoughts from participants私のフォーラム ~参加者の感想~掲載:姉妹校締結順Listed in the order they signed a sister agreement with Morioka Chuo  Davidson High School has been attending the Morioka Chuo High School Forum since its inception. This was my first time accompanying students to the Forum, and it was a wonderful experience for all of us. The Morioka Chuo teachers and students were exceptionally helpful. As a teacher it was interesting to observe what the students perceived to be important issues in education, and even more interesting that the issues that we face as teachers, whether we be in Sydney, Australia or in Bangkok, Thailand are very similar. Equal access to education regardless of wealth, environmental sustainability and acceptance of gender diversity appeared to be the most important issues to our students today and projecting into the future of education. Our students worked harmoniously together to present their ideas in a diverse and articulate manner.   I would also like to make mention of the hospitality of Morioka Chuo High School and Mr Kenji Chiba, and the Tatsuzawa Education Group. The restaurants that we were taken to and the Hot Springs experience were superb. It really showcased the Japanese culture and cuisine. The After Party experience was very memorable and it was really lovely seeing the host parents and our students’ interaction with them.  デイビッドソン・ハイスクールはフォーラムが始まった当初から参加しております。私は引率として初参加しましたが、全ての参加者にとって素晴らしい機会であると感じました。盛岡中央高校の教職員と生徒は本当に親切でした。生徒たちが学習の重要性を認識していることを観察できたこと、またシドニー、バンコクなど、どの国においても教員が抱える問題が似ていることなどに教員の立場として関心を持ちました。貧富の差に関係なく与えられる教育機会、環境の持続的な可能性、性の多様性の容認などが、今の生徒たちにとって重要な課題としてあり、将来の教育の在り方を映し出していました。生徒たちは意見を明瞭に述べ、互いに息を合わせて課題に取り組みました。 盛岡中央高校、千葉研二校長、龍澤学館のおもてなしについて述べます。お連れいただいたレストラン、温泉は本当に素晴らしく、日本文化と伝統食を映し出しておりました。アフターパーティーも思い出深く、ホストファミリーと生徒たちの交流を感じることができたことが良かったです。  As Deputy principal of Otumoetai College it was the second time that I attended the forum the first being in 2011 after the disastrous tsunami. I will never forget that forum and the tour of the damaged coastal areas. This year the forum was something different again and provided the opportunity to discuss, in depth, pedagogy with teachers from seventeen different countries of the world. The highlight for me was supporting my allocated group of students for a day in their understanding of the United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals and then the next day spending time with a group of teachers unpacking an interdisciplinary approach to teaching knowledge and skills in a real world context. It was both challenging and informative and I congratulate Morioka Chuo High School in developing this initiative. The forum day was both exciting and interesting as we listened to the different approaches. I greatly enjoyed my stay at the spa and then the cultural festival day was fun for all.   The high school staff were always kind and considerate and I have left AustraliaオーストラリアDavidson High Schoolデイビッドソン・ハイスクールRenee LaneEnglish and Drama Theatre Teacher英語・演劇教員Making Connections- Sydney and Morioka繋がりを作ること−シドニーと盛岡New ZealandニュージーランドOtumoetai Collegeオツモタエイ・カレッジBruce Raymond FarthingDeputy Principal校長代理A pleasure to be in Morioka光栄だった盛岡の滞在EXCELSIOR vol.2030

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