エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

 私のフォーラム *  My ForumI could meet many friends from various countries and it was amazing. I made lots of new friends from different backgrounds. We shared our stories and I told them some Indonesian culture too. Frankly I was very nervous when I first met my host family because it was my first time to stay with other people (I had little comprehension about Japanese language). Luckily, my host family was so nice. I told them I like sashimi and they prepared some for my first dinner in Morioka. They also gave me some miniskirts, cute clothes and traditional Japanese clothes. I have been missing them now and then. Thanks to Haruka’s family for taking care of me and delicious meals every day!  The Forum taught me not only to socialize with new people, but also to respect other. Moreover, I learned to be a more responsible person, punctual and independent.   I felt Morioka is nice place to visit and the people were so nice. I had a great memory on the day my friends and I went to karaoke which we could make our last and best memory in Morioka. I will never forget this unique experience! フォーラムに参加するのは今回が初めてで、世界中の人と出会える素晴らしい機会でした。異なる文化背景を持つ人と友達になりました。互いの文化を教え合い、私もインドネシアの文化を教えました。正直に言うと、初めてホストファミリーに会ったときは緊張していました。なぜなら、家族以外の家に滞在するのは初めてでしたから(私の日本語の知識はほんの少しでした)。幸運にもとても良い方たちで、私の好物が刺身と教えたところ、初日の食事に刺身を準備してくださいました。そしてミニスカート、かわいい衣類、伝統の着物をプレゼントしてくださいました。はるかさんファミリー、面倒を見ていただき、そしておいしい食事をありがとう。 フォーラムは社交性を養うのみならず、人へ敬意を払うことを学びました。また責任感が生まれ、時間を守る、独立心も学びました。盛岡は良い所で、人は良い人でした。カラオケに行き、最後に最高の思い出を作ることができました。この貴重な思い出を一生忘れることはないでしょう。  My name is Audie Revanza Satyabhaskara or you can call me Vanza. It is my second time in Japan but my very first time experiencing homestay in a Japanese family. It was amazing by the way.  Well, Morioka Chuo International Forum is such a great event that I’m so happy to join this with many students fellow from all around the world. I met many friends from other countries and we shared new experiences, like learning new cultures and things. In addition, we could share our opinion to make the world better by collecting our meaningful ideas into one innovative idea. It was a great event where we could make a good teamwork though we came from different backgrounds. I wish I could always participate in every year of the forum. Thank you, Morioka. 私の名前はアウディ・レヴァンザです。ヴァンザと呼んでください。2度目の日本ですが、日本の家庭でのホームステイは初めてでした。とても良い経験となりました。 フォーラムという素晴らしいイベントに世界中から集まった生徒と共に参加でき幸せでした。たくさんの新しい友達と出会い、みんなの文化などを学び合いました。そして、もっとより良い世界のために互いの意見とアイディアを交換し、ひとつの革新的な結論に結び付けました。別々の文化背景を持つ人が団結できる貴重なイベントでした。できることなら毎年フォーラムに参加したいです。ありがとう、盛岡。  My experience at Morioka CHUO HS was profoundly memorable. I cannot say enough about the warm welcome that I received from the faculty and staff of the school. I particularly appreciated the topic of the forum; it allowed all of us to reflect upon what the ideal school should look like in 2030. Throughout the round-tables that I attended, I was able to see the dedication and involvement of all the student participants. Coming from all four corners of the world, they worked together to find solutions to the major economic and environmental issues that face our society today. All students had their own unique vision for the ideal school of the future and it led to incredibly enriching discussions between the students. In addition, I truly enjoyed my time spent with the family of one of the teachers from Audie Revanza SatyabagaskaraStudent生徒Briiliant idea coming from Diiferent Background違う文化から得た素晴らしいアイディアCanadaカナダCollège Sainte-Annede Lachineコレージュ・サンタンヌ・ド・ラシーヌMyléne LessardMath Teacher数学教員A wonderful and memorable experience素晴らしく、そして思い出に残る経験EXCELSIOR vol.20 ◆ CHUO国際教育フォーラム20回記念号39

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