エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

盛岡中央高校附属中学校が開校!大志を胸に羽ばたこう!Be ambitious. Morioka Chuo Junior High School OPENING!平成30年4月10日、記念すべき第1期生55名を迎えて、盛岡中央高等学校附属中学校は開校しました。April 10th, 2018 was the grand opening of Morioka Chuo Junior High School with an enrolment of 55 students. この像は台湾の愛日家で著名な実業家である許文龍氏から、日台親善を願って、平成12年6月に寄贈されました。本胸像が縁となり、台南市の長榮高級中学と盛岡中央高校は、国際姉妹校の締結をして、現在も活発に教育交流を継続中です。 新渡戸の生誕地である盛岡市鷹匠小路で教育事業を始めた創立者龍澤福美・トヨ夫妻。この二人が尊敬してやまなかった新渡戸稲造。このたび附属中学校の開講を記念して、本胸像を平成30年5月、設置・公開いたしました。A bust of Inazo Nitobe was donated to Morioka city in June, 2000 by a Taiwanese businessman, Shi Wen-long who had a particular admiration for Japan. This marked his wish to have a friendly relationship between Japan and Taiwan. The bust also connects Chang Jung Senior High School in Tainan and Morioka Chuo High School which have an international sister school agreement. Active educational engagement has been continuing between these two schools.Tatsuzawa Education Group was founded by Fukumi Tatsuzawa and his wife, Toyo. It was established in Morioka, the birthplace of Inazo Nitobe, whom they both held in great esteem. To commemorate the opening of Morioka Chuo Junior High school, a new bust of Inazo Nitobe was placed in front of the school and the public have been able to view it since the spring of 2018.国際社会への“架け橋をかけた先人”Inazo Nitobe: a forerunner with the view of creating a global society.Dr. Inazo Nitobe制作寄贈者:許文龍 氏(台南市・奇美博物館)(1862~1933)Dr. Inazo Nitobe新渡戸稲造博士EXCELSIOR vol.20 ◆ CHUO国際教育フォーラム20回記念号57

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