エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

The Roundtable Discussion on International Education第10回 国際教育教員研修会  At the teacher’s roundtable discussion this August, teachers from Morioka Chuo and from its sisters schools discussed – across subject lines - how to solve an international problem and how to use this type of lesson in their regular classes at their schools. I participated in the roundtable as an assistant to Professor Komatsu at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.  It is important for our generation to think about what type of world we want to leave to future generations - in short, to think about sustainability - and not just to take, make, and consume things. A typical example of this sustainability issue is the relationship between shrimp farms and mangrove forests, which we looked at in this roundtable discussion. It is difficult to solve global problems by only using single academic subjects and government policy. High school students going out into the world need to have the ability to think flexibly and in an interdisciplinary manner about problems, and not just adhere to their personal identity. Classes at high schools incorporating what teachers learned at the roundtable should focus on helping them do this. At the roundtable this time, I only listened to what the teachers said, but if I had a chance, I would like to participate in such a class at a high school and to think about the future with the teachers and students. 今年8月に行われた教員研修会では、盛岡中央高校の先生方と世界中から訪れた先生方が、グローバルな問題の解決策を各々の教科の枠を越えて日々の授業へ落とし込む方法をディスカッションした。私は学生という立場で、当日の研修講師を務めた東京海洋大学の小松俊明教授のアシスタントとして、研修会に参加させて頂いた。 我々の世代は、ただモノを「獲り・作って・消費する」だけではなく、それをどのように後世に残すか、いわば「サステナビリティ(持続可能な循環)」を考えることが重要である。今回研修会で取り上げたエビ養殖とマングローブ林の関係は、その典型例である。グローバルな問題は、単独の学問領域や国家政策で解決することは困難である。今後社会へ羽ばたく高校生に求められるのは、自分のアイデンティティに固執することなく、柔軟に解決策を導く能力、つまり学際的な専門性であろう。今回の研修会で得られた知見を基に作られた新しい授業には、きっとそのエッセンスがたくさんあるはずだ。今回は先生方のお話を聞くことで終わったが、できるならば私もその授業に参加し、先生方や高校生と一緒に未来を考えてゆきたいと感じた。  First, it was an great honor for me to participate in the Chuo International Education Forum. I would like to once again express my thanks.  I had heard about the forum before attending it, but this was the first time for me to participate in it. I was surprised at how large an event it is and at how excited the participants were about it. I was impressed by the great discussion by the approximately 40 teachers from various countries and regions. I thought that talking about the same topic from the perspective of different subjects, with teachers from other countries and regions, was especially meaningful.  I felt the power of Japan and of Morioka when I saw this. It was all made possible by the hard work of the teachers and students at Morioka Chuo High School, the student’ parents, and the citizens of Morioka. I Ability required ofhigh school studentsKessaku Tanabe 田邊 傑作 Tokyo University of Marine Science andTechnology東京海洋大学海洋科学部 4年高校生に求められる能力Watching the video about the destruction of mangrove forests in Thailandタイのマングローブ崩壊に関するビデオを見る教員たちStudent 学生An Amazing Roundtable Discussion at the ForumKim GyungTaek Ansan GangseoHigh School 安山高校 感動、盛岡での教員研修会Japanese Teacher 日本語教員EXCELSIOR vol.20 ◆ CHUO国際教育フォーラム20回記念号65

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