エクセルシア盛岡中央高校デジタルブック Vol.20

As SGH Associate SGHアソシエイト校としての活動近に農業関係者がいて、国の基幹産業としての農業の重要性を理解しているためだと感じました。また、オツモエタイカレッジで実施している農業体験では、実際に運営されている農場を訪問して仕事と同じような感覚で実習できるため、農業が身近な存在に感じることができます。このような体験型学習は、体を使いながら学習するため、楽しく勉強できて農業に対するイメージアップにもつながると思いました。  農業見学が終わった後は、ホストバディとinternational food festival に参加してきました。年に一度開催される学校イベントに参加できたことは、とても貴重な体験でした。 農場見学だけでなく、オツモエタイ高校の授業も体験して来ました。授業内容はユニークな授業が多かったと思います。特に、物理の授業では、円運動を調べるために、花火を振り回すという授業をしていました。他の授業も様々な工夫があり、楽しく授業を体験することができました。このような機会をいただき深く感謝しています。them to stabilize their incomes, because demand for these two crops doubled or halved depending on the year. Almost all of the customers for these foods are overseas. As a result, New Zealand faces problems which are different from than those which Japan faces. For example, exported products have to meet the importing country’s quality guidelines and it takes too long to ship the above foods to Europe, so the area where they can find new markets for their products is limited. In addition, there is so much demand for vanilla that they cannot produce enough of it to meet this demand.  We learned the following things about Japan and New Zealand from the questionnaire. The proportion of students in New Zealand who have a positive opinion about working in the agricultural sector is high, and a high percentage of agricultural workers there are happy with their career choice. 80 percent of the students surveyed know someone working in the agricultural sector, and I felt that they realized the importance of the agricultural industry in their country. In addition, students learn by working on real farms as part of their study at Otumoetai College, so they feel a connection with agriculture. In this type of hands-on learning, the students learn by working with their bodies, so they enjoy learning and develop a positive opinion about agriculture.  After we finished looking at the farms and processing plants, we participated in an international food festival with our host buddies. Participating in this once-a-year school event was a great experience for us.  We also had an opportunity to watch classes at Otumoetai College. I thought that there were many unique classes there. For example, in physics class, the students used sparklers to learn about circular motion. I also enjoyed what the teachers in the other classes were doing. I am grateful for this opportunity.Have a fun time on the truckトラックの荷台ではしゃぐ生徒たち The photo with local farmers 農場の皆さんと記念写真EXCELSIOR vol.20 ◆ CHUO国際教育フォーラム20回記念号89

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