
to protect victims of upskirting. In South Korea, we still have some regulations that prevent women from accessing certain roles in society. For example, only 10% of students in the Police Academy are allowed to be female; the remaining 90% must be male. In response, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea advised police to hire police ofcers just through the same test, however, they did not follow through on the recommendation, saying that the women police will have difculty carrying out the force-consuming task.To respond to all of these issues, we tried to nd solutions. -first of all, we need more independent bodies in the government to be able to respond and represent everyone and everybody's needs. -secondly, people should be able to make their own choices on how they want to live their life at work and at home, regardless of their gender and traditions. To acheive this goal we need to take a step back on our traditions and ways of living and adapt it to our modern world. Women cannot be treated today as they were 100 years ago only to respect tradition. -And this takes us to our last point: we need to be able to change mentalities on how women are treated and seen in society. Women should be able to speak up for their rights and their respect just like men can and do. Changing mentalities will take time, we need to start teaching to the next generation gender equality at school, as well as teaching their parents through the media as they are their primary educators. Countries also need to realize that women are their countries' development futur. WORKPLACEThe workplace can be a source of and contributor to gender equality, but can also be a place in which gender equality can grow and thrive. We identified four key areas impacting women’s participation in society: hiring policies, equality of opportunities in the workplace, childcare responsibilities, and the quality of work life.Indonesian companies tend to be more economy-oriented, which means companies do not care about their employees’ personal lives. Therefore, since a lot of women take maternity leave, companies choose not to hire them. Childcare facilities in Indonesia are also scarce and so poor families have no choice but to look after the children themselves, which has resulted in mothers being unable to work.In Japan, women’s average income is half that of men. In addition to that, over 50% of women workers are non-regular employees. They are therefore less protected as they can be red at any moment and have no insurance whatsoever. There are maternity and childcare leave systems in Japan. However, not everyone can get it. Fixed-term employees and those who have been employed for more than one year cannot take childcare leave. In addition, only 6% of men take childcare leave, indicating that they are not very supportive of childcare.In France, quotas regulate the number of men and women in certain jobs, resulting in women behind hired for their gender rather than their experience. This kind of reversed discrimination may help change mentalities about women’s executive skills, but is not a sustainable solution. French women also face issues regarding the pay gap and sexual harassment in the work place, which gave rise to a the balance ton porc movement, which is similar to #metoo. EXCELSIOR vol.2125

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