
Furthermore older teachers often reinforce the stereotypes with negative comments. Boys are also more encouraged to pursue high-paid jobs. For example in our French best university there only 18% of female.In Taiwan, teachers who are 40+ always say that if you are a man you have to be like man so does woman. But the education like this makes the gap between man and woman bigger than ever. So the way we can change this situation is from the basic education. So we can close up the gap.In order to address these problems:・First, we can give more freedom and be fairer in schools in terms of how girls and boys are dressed or pushed to work harder.・Second, liverate students from stereotypes at school so that we don’t educate the students that gender is worthier than the other・Third, give scholarships to girls to encourage them to continue their studies. They can be also nanced by the private sector.・Fourth, in parts of the world the majority of the high school teachers are women, on the contrary in other parts of the world like Japan, high school teachers are primarily men. Hire more female teachers in high school and university to prove to girls that they are not inferior so that they should continue their studies.THE FUTUREGender equality may not solve ALL the problems in our world but it sure will eradicate any feeling of discrimination as men and women are treated equally. In the future:・Everyone will have a choice AND THE SAME CHOICES・There will be no pressure・Everyone is of equal worth・There will be less judgement from other peopleBasically, everyone just needs to chill.CONCLUSIONOn a more serious note, the problem that we face in our world today is everyone’s lack of choice. Even if laws prevent discrimination or encourage freedom of expression, traditional mindsets or unconscious biases can limit people’s opportunities because they don’t want to go against social expectations.Throughout this presentation we have focused not only on women’s issues, but also people’s issues more broadly. This is because we believe the main goal of gender equality, is for people, regardless of gender, to have the same opportunities and be afforded the same respect. Gender equality is also about giving people the choice, the choice to live the life they want to live, and the choice to be the person they want to be. We can finish our presentation with the very rst article of the universal declaration of human's rights : "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." Thank you.はじめに 持続可能な開発目標(SDG)は、2050年までに世界をよりよく、より発展させようと、国際連合加盟国によってつくられた。私たちのグループのテーマはSDGのジェンダー平等を実現しようという目標に基づく、女性の社会進出である。独自の文化、社会、政治、経済、環境をベースとする異なる国々による複数の視点からこの問題にアプローチしたところ、様々な異なる解決策を見出した。私たちは、4つの主要な分野を設定した。それは、政府による政策、職場環境と子育て、教育、そして、伝統である。政策 政府による法律は、女性の社会進EXCELSIOR vol.2128

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