
activities are done in conjunction with well-known institutions and students’ achievements can give them credit toward their university applications.Teachers in the UK have a high workload, and they are constantly nding ways to streamline their approach in the classroom. There are numerous books written to help teachers to improve their teaching. A popular book written by Carl Hendrick, the head of learning and research at Wellington College (an independent school in Berkshire, UK), encourages teachers to consider six principles based on research on what really matters in the classroom. These are to revisit previous learning, check for understanding, give feedback on students (not their work), create a positive classroom climate, offer plenty of guidance, and reduce cognitive load. Perhaps some of these strategies could be applied in a Japanese classroom, too.ちの教育のやり方を最新のものにしようと心掛けている。先生が自分の教え方を改善するための助けとなる本がたくさん出ている。有名なのはウェリントンカレッジのカール・ヘンドリック氏の書いた本で、先生が考えるべき授業での6つの原則について書かれている。その6つとは、前に習ったことの復習、理解度のチェック、生徒にフィードバックを与えること、授業に積極的になる雰囲気を作ること、指示をしっかり与えること、負荷をかけすぎないことである。おそらくこれらのいくつかは日本でも使えるであろう。EXCELSIOR vol.2151

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