
What I learned through the ForumThoughts on participating in the preliminary events of the ForumNagomi Kumagai Student at Morioka Chuo Junior High SchoolIchiro Muramatsu Student at Morioka Chuo Junior High Schoolフォーラムから学んだこと英語の大切さを学んだフォーラム盛岡中央高等学校附属中学校 2年 熊谷 和珠盛岡中央高等学校附属中学校 2年 村松 一朗I learned two things during the Forum: the difficulties of communicating in English and the joy of communicating in English. This was the first time for me to communicate in English at a place where people from different countries gathered and had a discussion. It made me realize I had the opportunity to participate in the preliminary discussions and events of the CHUO International Education Forum and I communicated with overseas high school students twice. The first time, I was able to do some Japanese cultural activities with students who were invited to our class. The second time, I how difcult it is to share ideas in English. On the other hand, I also found the joy of communicating across borders. This awareness is something I could not have got in my usual daily life. I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to participate in the Forum.participated in a discussion with them regarding the main themes of the Forum. I could not understand other students’ opinions very well but some students helped me and I appreciated their kindness. These two interactions with the overseas students helped me to become fully aware of the signicance of English.VISIT TO JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOLStudents from our sister schools visited Morioka Chuo Junior High School during Forum week. The homeroom classes came up with various exchanges such as a quiz and an introduction of Japanese culture. This was a unique experience, but it was enjoyed by all students.海外の姉妹校からの高校生が盛岡中央高校附属中学校を訪れた。クラスではクイズや日本文化の紹介をして交流した。普段なかなかできないことで、緊張したがみんな楽しめた。EXCELSIOR vol.2152

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