
 海外姉妹校からの高校生が各クラスを訪問(ホームルームビジット)しました。クラスでは、クイズ、ゲーム、話し合い、日本文化の紹介など工夫を凝らして海外からの生徒と交流しました。言語の壁はあっても、そこは同じ高校生。徐々に緊張がほぐれてきて、最後はみんなが笑顔で交流終了。もっと時間が欲しかった、という感想も聞かれました。The students from our sister schools visited our classrooms. They came up with various exchange activities such as quiz, games, discussions, and introduction of the Japanese culture. Though there was a language barrier, they were all Highschool students and eventually ice was broken and they exchanged with smiles. Some students said they wish to have had more time.HOMEROOM VISITEXCELSIOR vol.2153

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